Health Evaluation

How to read the result

From the result of Taisosei, the physical composition test, let's find out how healthy you are.

標準体重: Standard Body Weight

Standard Body Weight is a body weight with which one can expect the longest life-expectancy. According to Japan Society for the Study of Obesity (JASSO), one can most unlikely suffer diseases when his/her BMI is 22.
【Standard Body Weight (kg)=22×Height (m)×Height(m)】

BMI: Body Mass Index

BMI stands for Body Mass Index. BMI is proportional to the rate of muscles.
【BMI=Weight (kg) /[Height (m)×Height(m)]】

or less
18.5〜24.9 25.0〜29.9 30.0〜34.9 35.0〜39.9 40.0
or more
  Thin Normal Fat Fat Fat Fat


体脂肪率: Rate of Body Fat

It is the rate of body fat that occupies one's body. Obesity, regarded as one of the risks that cause adult diseases, is a state with higher rate of body fat. The rete varies depending on the condition when measured by impedance method.

Rate of Body Fat (all age) 19.9%
or less
20.0〜24.9% 25.0〜29.9% 30%
or more
(Women 10-14 y.o.) 24.9%
or less
25.0〜29.9% 30.0〜34.9% 35%
or more
(Women 15 y.o. or older) 29.9%
or less
30.0〜34.9% 35.0〜39.9% 40%
or more
  Not Fat modestly Fat Fat gravely Fat


腕・脚脂肪率: Rate of Fat in arms and legs
R.o.F in arms
for men
or less
15.0〜19.9% 20.0〜24.9% 25.0%
or more
for women
or less
32.0〜38.9% 39.0〜45.9% 46.0%
or more
R.o.F in legs
for men
or less
15.0〜18.9% 19.0〜22.9% 23.0%
or more
for women
or less
31.0〜34.9% 35.0〜38.9% 39.0%
or more
  Low Normal A Little High High
※注意) Yamatoボディプランナーシリーズの脂肪率は、Hologic, Inc.社製のDXA装置を基準としています。

*Note: The rate of fat measured by Yamato Body Planner Series is based on DXA machine by Hologic, Inc. Therefore, the boundaries between the arms and legs, of which the rate of fat or muscles represented here, are the upper arm bones and the thighbones.

内臓脂肪指数: Index of visceral fat

This is the index of cross-sectional area of visceral fat. If the index is high, it is said to cause diabetes, arterial sclerosis, and high-blood pressure. It's easier to get rid of visceral fat than subcutaneous fat through aerobic exercise.

The index of cross-sectional area of fat in internal organ 79
or less
80   100   130   150 or more
  Not Fat Attention! ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Warning!
※注意) CT内蔵脂肪面積100平方cmに相当する値は100となります。


筋肉率: Rate of muscles

This is the rate of muscles that occupies in body weight. The more you have muscles, the more calories you can burn.
Muscle training before aerobic exercise is said to be effective to burn body fat.

Whole body, for men 30.9%
or less
31.0〜34.9% 35.0〜38.9% 39.0%
or more
Whole body, for women 25.9%
or less
26.0〜27.9% 28.0〜29.9% 30.0%
or more
Arms, for men 38.9%
or less
39.0〜43.9% 44.0〜48.9% 49.0%
or more
Arms, for women 30.9%
or less
31.0〜34.9% 35.0〜38.9% 39.0%
or more
Legs, for men 49.9%
or less
50.0〜53.9% 54.0〜57.9% 58.0%
or more
Legs, for women 41.9%
or less
42.0〜44.9% 45.0〜47.9% 48.0%
or more
  Low Normal A little high High


筋肉量の平均値: Average of the amount of muscles
Whole body, for men 22.0kg 24.0kg
Whole body, for women          14.0kg 17.0kg
Arms, for men 1.5kg 1.6kg
Arms, for women 0.9kg 1.1kg
Legs, for men 5.5kg 5.8kg
Legs, for women 3.5kg 4.0kg
or less
or more


基礎代謝量: Basal metabolism

Basal metabolism is a minimum of energy consumed to maintain life -- the function of the heart, breathing, kidney, body temparature, muscle strain -- while awaken. The breakdown is; brain 19%, liver 27%, kidney 10%l, heart 7%, muscles 18%, other 19%.
Muscle training increases basal metabolism and with higher basal metabolism, the calories are efficiently consumed.

10〜11y.o. 12〜14y.o. 15〜17y.o. 18〜29y.o. 30〜49y.o. 50〜69y.o. 70y.o. or older
1290 1480 1610 1550 1500 1350 1220
1180 1340 1300 1210 1170 1110 1010
(Unit: Kcal 厚生労働省「日本人の栄養所要量第6次改訂」より)


推定骨量: Average of estimated amount of bones

Average of estimated amount of bones is a value estimated from the interrelation between organs other than fat and the bones. It is not something to judge bone hardness or strength, or the risks of breaking a bone.

Men Weight: 69.9kg or lighter Weight: 70.0kg or heavier  
2.4kg 2.8kg  
Women Weight: 50.0kg or lighter Weight: 50.0〜60.0kg Weight: 60.0kg or heavier
1.9kg 2.1kg 2.3kg
※注意) 上記の表はあくまで平均値です。推定骨量は「前回よりも量が大きく減っていないか」を観察してください。
Note: The table above just represents average. Observe whether the amount decrease gravely or not
compared to the amount in previous test.


筋肉率と筋肉量のみかた: Interrelation between the rate and the amount of muscles
Higher Rate
Smaller Amount Those with high rate, small amount Those with high rate, large amount Larger Amount
Type: Marathon-runner
Keep eating vital amount of food per day,
and exercise. If you want to increase muscles, dumbbell exercises are recommended.
Type: Ideal Athlete
Keep eating and exercising properly.
Type: Inactive
The amount and balance of food may not be good, and it is necessary for you to change the habit of eating and exercising.
Type: Overeater
Exercise more while paying attention to not only the amount and balance of food, but also when and how slowly you eat. Aerobic exercises are recommended to lose weight.
Those with small amount, low rate Those with large amount, low rate
Lower Rate

※注意) 医学的診断については、かかりつけの医師にご相談ください。水分量には判定はございません。
Note: For medical diagnosis, consult your doctor. There is no table for body water rate.

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